During exchange

Update your pre-approval

Only a few study abroad students end up taking exactly the courses that were pre-approved before their departure. When you arrive at the host university, you will likely discover that some courses are overbooked or may not be open for for exchange students. A course may not end up being offered anyway or some of the courses that you chosen may overlap each other's time tables.  

Don't worry too much if this happens. In fact, this occurs more often than not. Should it happen, what you need to do is:

  • Submit a new application for pre-approval. This new application must contain all the courses you are now planning to take - not just the new courses. 
  • Choose your new courses to the best of your ability and in the event that your new application is not processed before the course registration period closes, rely on your sound engineering sense as you choose courses and use the application guide. Choosing wisely will give you the best chance that the courses will be approved later on. 

Pre-approval is registered in DTU's administrative system in the same way as a course registration at DTU. Therefore, it is important that you get a pre-approval that reflects what you are actually taking abroad.