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Read about the universities on DTU Beyond Borders

Once you have given it some thought as to why you would like to study abroad and potentially where in the world you would like to go, the next step is to research further on DTU Beyond Borders. Here you can read all about the individual exchange agreements and universities that you can apply to. It is important that you spend a great amount of time finding the right universities for you, so that you only apply for exchange agreements, where you are able to find courses there are both interesting to you and relevant for your DTU study programme.  

On Beyond Borders amongst other things, you can filter your search on different factors, such as:
- country
- your study programme*
- amount of courses taught in English
- and Grade Point Average (GPA).

Depending on which filter you choose, the relevant exchange agreements will appear. Please be aware that there may be more than one exchange agreement with one university. In these cases, the individual exchange agreements are with a specific department, school or faculty, which will be clear by the title of each page, e.g. Aalto University - School of Chemical Engineering. Each exchange agreement has its own information page Beyond Borders. Here you can read about courses, language requirement, accommodation and many other things relevant for your studies abroad within that specific exchange agreement. It is very important that you read these pages carefully to ensure that you list the right priorities in your application.  

*Please do not limit your search to only include your study programme, as there may be many other opportunities for you than the few that appear, when you search for your individual programme. The most important thing is that you are able to find a sufficient amount of courses relevant for your DTU programme at the universities you list on your application.

Find inspiration in students' travel reports

As part of your research, it is a good idea to check out some of the travel reports that previous DTU students have written after their exchange experience. They may provide you with unique insights as to what it is like to be an exchange student abroad, and you will be able to read about anything from how they experienced the university environment to their personal evaluation of courses to their social experience and so on. You can find all travel reports by logging into Beyond Borders and choosing "Search in Travel Reports". . 

See an overview of previously credit transferred courses in The Credit Transfer Database

The Credit Transfer Database is a list of courses that have previously been credit transferred and it is meant as a source of inspiration, as you plan which courses to take abroad. 

When using the database, please be aware of the following:

- The Credit Transfer Database is a guideline only. 
- All decisions on credit transfer are based on an individual assessment. 
- If a course has previously been approved for one student that studies the same as you, this is not a guarantee that you will get the pre-approval as well.
- Factors such as previously completed courses, the total course selection abroad and specialized study programmes can influence the evaluation of a specific course.

The Credit Transfer Database