After your semester abroad

Departure Confirmation
When your semester finishes (and before you go home) the host university must sign a 'Departure Confirmation' to confirm that the stay has taken place and state the actual start and end date. You received the departure confirmation template together with your grant agreement.

Please note that date of signature cannot be more than 5 days prior to the end of your stay.
It must be physically signed (on paper), scanned and uploaded.
If signed digitally the document must be sent directly from the host university to
The signed Departure Confirmation should then be uploaded to your grant application on Beyond Borders.

The dates on the departure confirmation will be used for the final calculation of your grant period (and size) made before the payment of the 2nd rate.

Travel Documentation

It is a requirement in order to receive the Erasmus+ grant that the student is physically present in the host country. You may be asked to document your travels/stay abroad, so make sure to keep your travel itinerary and/or proof of paying rent abroad. his can for example be your plane tickets.

If you need to leave the host country before the end of the semester due to sudden illness, accident or other serious situation beyond your control, please contact immediately. Make sure to save documentation (e.g. messages from the host university or local authorities) for evaluation of possible Force Majeure.


At the end of your semester abroad, you will receive a link to an EU-survey (check your spam filter regularly). Answering the survey is mandatory for all Erasmus+ students. When you have answered it, please indicate this in the “EU-survey” action in your grant agreement on Beyond Borders.

If the process of final credit transfer/recognition is not completed by the time you answer the survey, the system will issue a follow-up survey regarding this. In this case both surveys must be completed before the action in beyond borders can be approved.

Payment of the second instalment

When we have received and approved your EU-survey and departure confirmation, the payment of the second instalment will be prepared

If we do not receive the required documentation from you within the assigned deadline, you may be asked to repay all or parts of your grant.


Final Credit Transfer

As soon as you receive your official transcript from your host university, you should apply for final credit transfer via

When you have received the decision letter from DTU merit, please upload it to your grant application and indicate the total number of ECTS transferred. If you fail to transfer the credits obtained during your semester abroad or if you fail to transfer the required minimum of 20 ECTS, you may be asked to pay back your Erasmus+ grant.

If for some reason, you will not be able to transfer 20 ECTS, it is therefore important that you contact